Software Packages:
Shannon, J,
R.E. Blake, T. Whiteaker.
ingestr: An R package for reading environmental data from raw formats into dataframes.
Data Packages:
Simpson, A., Turner, R.,
Blake, R., Liebhold, A., and Dorado, M., 2021, United States Register of Introduced and Invasive Species: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Blake, R.E., J.A. Olin. 2020. Code and data "Effects of multiple stressors were mixed in an experimental plant – herbivore system". Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity.
Blake, R.E., C.L. Ward, M.E. Hunsicker, A.O. Shelton, A.B. Hollowed. 2019. Code and data for biodiversity, spatial community structure, and spatial community composition of groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Halpern, B. et al. (including R.E. Blake) In Review. Priorities for synthesis in ecology and environmental science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Mally, R., R.M. Turner, R.E. Blake, G. Fenn-Moltu, C. Bertelsmeier, E.G. Brockerhoff, R.J.B. Hoare, H.F. Nahrung, A. Roques, D.S. Pureswaran, T. Yamanaka, A.M. Liebhold. 2022. Moths and butterflies on alien shores: Global biogeography of non-native Lepidoptera. Journal of Biogeography.
Nagy, R. C., et al. (including R.E. Blake). 2021. Harnessing the NEON Data Revolution to Advance Open Environmental Science with a Diverse and Data-Capable Community. Ecosphere.
Kitzes, J., R.E. Blake, S. Bombaci, M. Chapman, S. M. Duran, T. Huang, M. B. Joseph, S. Lapp, S. Marconi, W.K. Oestreich, T.A. Rhinehart, A.K. Schweiger, Y. Song, T. Surasinghe, D. Yang, K. Yule. 2021. Expanding NEON biodiversity surveys with new instrumentation and machine learning approaches. Ecosphere.
Liebhold, A.M., R.M. Turner, R.E. Blake, C. Bertelsmeier, E.G. Brockerhoff, H.F. Nahrung, D.S. Pureswaran, A. Roques, H. Seebens, T. Yamanaka. 2021. Invasion disharmony in the global biogeography of native and non-native beetle species. Diversity and Distributions 27:11:2050-2062.
Turner, R.M., E.G. Brockerhoff, C. Bertelsmeier, R.E.Blake, B. Caton, A. James, A. MacLeod, H.F. Nahrung, S.M Pawson, M.J. Plank, D.S. Pureswaran, H. Seebens, T. Yamanaka, A.M. Liebhold. 2021. Worldwide border interceptions provide a window into human-mediated global insect movement. Ecological Applications. 31:7.
Ordway, E.M., A.J. Elmore, S. Kolstoe, J.E. Quinn, R. Swanwick, M. Cattau, D. Taillie, S.M. Guinn, K.D. Chadwick, J.W. Atkins, R.E. Blake, M. Chapman, K. Cobourn, T. Goulden, M.R. Helmus, K. Hondula, C. Hritz, J. Jensen, J.P. Julian, Y. Kuwayama, V Lulla, D. O’Leary, D. R. Nelson, J.P. Ocon, S. Pau, G.E. Ponce-Campos, C. Portillo-Quintero, N.G. Pricope, R.G. Rivero, L Schneider, M. Steele, M.G. Tulbure, M.A. Williamson, C. Wilson. 2021. Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research. Ecosphere. 12:6.
Blake, R.E., C.L. Ward, M.E. Hunsicker, A.O. Shelton, A.B. Hollowed. 2019. Spatial community structure of groundfish is conserved across the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Couture, J. L.,
R. E. Blake, G. McDonald, C. Ward. 2018. Funder imposed data publication requirements seldom inspire data sharing. PLOSOne.
Shelton, A. O., M. E. Hunsicker, E. J. Ward, B. E. Feist, R. E. Blake, C. L. Ward, B. Williams, J. T. Duffy-Anderson, A. B. Hollowed, A. C. Haynie. 2018. Spatio-temporal models reveal subtle changes to demersal communities following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Zador, S. G. , S. K. Gaichas, S. Kasperski, C. L. Ward,
R. E. Blake, N.C. Ban, A. Himes-Cornell, Z. Koehn. 2017. Linking ecosystem processes to communities of practice through commercially fished species in the Gulf of Alaska.
ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Grosholz, E.,
R.E. Blake. 2010. The Effects of Grazing Geese on Hybrid and Native Spartina in San Francisco Bay. In: Ayres, D.R., D.W. Kerr, S.D. Ericson and P.R. Olofson, eds. 2010.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Invasive Spartina, 2004 Nov 8-10, San Francisco, CA, USA. San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project of the California State Coastal Conservancy: Oakland, CA. 191-196.